Equipping the Saints Bible School



Overview of Equipping the Saints Bible School

Equipping the Saints (ETS) Bible School offers a comprehensive two-year program that prepares individuals for impactful ministry. Our curriculum goes beyond merely imparting biblical knowledge; It is designed to cultivate practical skills and empower you to actively live out and apply the teachings of the Bible in your daily life.

Certificate of Completion

A Certificate of Completion will be awarded to students who complete the “Theology & Great Commission” courses.

Course: Foundations of Theology (9 months)

This course explores essential Christian doctrines such as The Fall of Man, The Trinity, Divine Healing, The End Times, and more. It aims to build a solid biblical foundation for teaching and upholding sound doctrine.

Course: The Great Commission (6 months)

This course centers on preaching the gospel and making disciples. You will learn practical methods for evangelism and discipleship, equipping you to be a powerful soul-winner and disciple-maker.

Advanced Certificate of Completion

It is awarded to students who complete the “Spiritual Growth” and “Family Life” courses, in addition to the “Theology & Great Commission” courses. 

Course: Spiritual Growth (3 months)

This course is designed to help you overcome offenses and heal from past wounds, allowing for a deeper relationship with God. You’ll discover practical strategies for handling offenses, receiving healing, and embracing the blessings of submitting to God’s authority. This journey will lead to personal transformation and equip you to become a strong and effective disciple.

Course: Family Life (6 months)

This course covers the essential qualities for a strong Christian household, including maintaining a healthy marriage. It also teaches Biblical principles for financial management, providing strategies to become debt-free and budget effectively, which are crucial for fulfilling your Kingdom purpose.

By completing this school, you will be well-equipped to edify the body of Christ and advance the Kingdom of God.


Please note: Equipping the Saints Bible School is not an accredited institution, and courses are not transferable.

For more information, please contact us .

Home School

If you want to do the school from home, you can purchase each book on Amazon.


293 Alves Ln, Bay Point, CA 94565

General Enquiries



Monday-Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. (925) 248-3250